Coordination and Culture
The Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences Colloquium Series presents
“Coordination and Culture”
with Jean-Paul Carvalho, Department of Economics
Thursday, December 5
4:00-5:00 p.m.
Social Science Plaza A, Room 2112
Culture constrains individual choice, rendering certain actions impermissible or
taboo. When individuals from different cultural groups interact, we find that social
coordination can permanently break down despite strong incentives to coordinate behavior.
In fact, miscoordination between groups is the most likely outcome for an open set
of parameters. In an application to identity-based conflict, exclusive ethnic and
religious identities are shown to persist in poorer and more unequal societies. Factors
that may favor social coordination are also explored, including assimilation, deviance
and cultural choice.
For further information, please contact Joanna Kerner, or 949-824-8651.
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