The Department of Cognitive Sciences and the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience present

"Attention, Uncertainty, and the Basal Forebrain"
with Andrea A. Chiba, Associate Professor, Department of Cognitive Science and Program in Neuroscience Science Director: Temporal Dynamics of Learning Center, University of California, San Diego

Wednesday May 22, 2013
12:00-1:00 p.m
Social Science Plaza A, Room 2112

Adapting behavior to the changing demands of the environment relies on the ability to favor processing of some aspects of the environment over others. Rodent models of attention have relied on the notion of surprise, uncertainty, or probabilistic inference to explain how learning of specific stimuli or features of the environment are favored at particular points in time. Beginning to understand how subcortical structures of the brain contribute to cortical processing and ultimately towards maintaining fluid behavior in a changing world relies on the synthesis of behavioral, neurochemical, and neural recording studies.

For further information, please contact Clara Schultheiss, or 949-824-7569.