What Grad Students Need to Know about Finding a Job
The Center for Demographic and Social Analysis presents
"What Grad Students Need to Know about Finding a Job"
A panel discussion
Zoya Guberskaya (UCI): Networking Yourself to an Academic Job
Georgiana Bostean (UCLA): Job Hunting from the Post-Doc Perspective
Judith Treas (UCI): Managing Your Brand (After Figuring Out What It Is)
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
12:30–1:30 p.m.
Social Science Plaza B, Room 4250
Graduate student Zoya Gubernskaya has been hired as an assistant professor of sociology at the University of Albany. UCI sociology Ph.D. Georgiana Bostean is transitioning from a postdoc at the UCLA Cancer Center to assistant professor of environmental science, health, and policy at Chapman University. Professor of sociology Judy Treas isn't going anywhere but reflects on experiences advising and recruiting job seekers.
This talk is part of the Population, Society and Inequality series.
For further information, please contact Jayne Lee Yang, jayne.lee@uci.edu or 949-824-2566.
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