Updating What We Know About Intergenerational Time and Money Transfers
The Population, Society and Inequality Colloquium Series presents
“Updating What We Know About Intergenerational Time and Money Transfers”
with Suzanne Bianchi, Dorothy Meier Chair in Social Equities and Distinguished Professor,
Sociology, UCLA
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
12:30-1:30 p.m.
Social Science Plaza B, Room 4250
Bianchi has designed a “Family Roster and Intergenerational Transfer Module” that is being collected in the 2013 Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID). After discussing the rationale and aims of the new data collection, she will present preliminary results from a full-scale pretest done in collaboration with the University of Michigan Survey Research Practicum and the June 2012 Survey of Consumers (SC). In the June SC, respondents enumerated all of their adult children, reported the time and money transferred to each child in the past year, and estimated the assistance they had given for educational expenses, home purchase, or other large money transfers to each child since the child turned age 18. A sample of 307 parent respondents reported about 789 adult children. In preliminary analysis of these data, she addresses three questions. First, how prevalent are intergenerational (parent-to-child) transfers of time and money? Second, what characteristics of parents, children and families affect who helps adult children with time or money? Third, how prevalent is help over the long term – for educational expenses, housing assistance and home purchase, or for other large financial needs – and do the same characteristics that predict transfers in the short term also predict large transfers over the longer term?
A light lunch will be served to early arrivers.
This talk is sponsored by the Gender, Work, and Family Research Group
For further information, please contact Jayne Lee Yang, jayne.lee@uci.edu or or 949-824-2566.
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