The Department of Sociology presents

"Sociology Undergraduate Honors Theses Presentations: Group 1"

May 25, 2011
2:00-4:00 p.m.
Social Science Plaza B, Room 4206

Presenters include:

  • 2:00  p.m. Steve Alcantar, "Government Classification of Multiracial Individuals in the U.S. Census"
  • 2:20  p.m. Brenda Ayón, "The Social Mobility of Mexican-Immigrant Children: Assessing Immigrant Incorporation Based on Self=Reported Mobility"
  • 2:40  p.m. Juan Carrillo, "The Effect of Gender on the Intergenerational Transmission of Family Size Among Mexican Americans"
  • 3:00  p.m. Alice Chuang, "Effects of Education, Income and Region of Residence on Environmental Action and Consciousness"
  • 3:20  p.m. Samantha Frontera, "The Sorority Social Network vs. Mass Media Influence on Members’ Decision-Making"
  • 3:40  p.m. Lisa Gaglioti, "Effects of School Demographics on Social Science Instruction and Learning"

For further information, please contact Laurie Andress-Delaney,