An Ethnography of the “Black Condition” in Brussels: Teenagers Trapped between Hidden Memories and Warlike Identities
IMTFI Lunchtime Discussion
In this presentation, Jacinthe explores the “black condition” as experienced by teenagers in Brussels, Belgium, and also reflects on methodological questions of working in urban contexts, with youth, and across lines of ethnic difference. She will question link between method and content and between research and social relationship. In particular, Jacinthe will discuss how her fieldwork led her to think about the question of “chromatic identity” and to reexamine her fieldwork practice.
Jacinthe Mazzocchetti is Lecturer and Researcher in the Laboratory for a Prospective Anthropology at Louvain University (Belgium) and Visiting Researcher at the University of Amsterdam (in the "Culturalization of Citizenship" program). Her most recent books are Etre étudiant à Ouagadougou. Itinérances, imaginaire et précarité (Karthala, coll. "Hommes et sociétés," 2009) and Révoltes et oppositions dans un régime semi-autoritaire. Le cas du Burkina Faso (with M. Hilgers, Karthala, coll. "Hommes et sociétés," 2010).
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