uci giving day
Dear soc sci alumni, community friends, faculty, staff and students,
We're seeking mavericks. Not the big wave type (although we count many surfers and beach goers among our 47,500 alumni and our 6,000+ student body, faculty and staff). We're after the wave makers, the mold breakers - those who aren't afraid to forge a new path, break with tradition and be boundaryless in search of solutions that create positive change in society, economies and human well-being.
For the past 50 years, the school has been putting this approach into practice. But there is still much to be done. We live in a time where political, environmental and ethical affairs intersect with health, economic and social issues to impact - in both good and bad ways - how we live and function as a society. The challenges and opportunities brought on by these 21st century social shifts know no boundaries - they stop at no border, they aren't limited to one discipline, and their effects will be felt well into the futures of our children and grandchildren. That's why we, in the UCI School of Social Sciences, believe that they must be met head on through innovative social research, world-class teaching, and outreach that truly makes a difference.
If you are someone who gets as excited as we do about these possibilities, we would love for you to join in and support us in our pursuit. Tomorrow, UC Irvine is launching a 24-hour Giving Day campaign. Throughout the day, the people in charge here on campus will be emailing you, inviting you to contribute to the campus's $1,000,000 fundraising goal. Here in social sciences, we'll be busy at work on social media, updating you with our own progress raising funds and highlighting stories of students and alumni who have benefited from the giving generosity of others.