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UCI Social Sciences E-News

Welcome to the Winter issue of the International Studies eNews

Upcoming Events

Charity, Sustainability, and the Problem of Dependence in Buganda

Former American ambassador to Soviet Union talks foreign policy, lessons learned

What's Wrong with the One-State Agenda?

Obama, Nukes and the Democratic Movement in Iran

Global Rebellion: Religious Challenges to the Secular State

Getting Some Closure: Guantanamo & the Law & Politics of U.S. Detention Policy

International Courts and Democracy

Global Governance and the Economic Crisis: Reflections on Asia

Past Events

International Studies Department Dialogue


Meet the Diplomats: Senior Diplomat, Azerbaijan and Principal, Tool Shed Group

Invisible Children "Schools for Schools" Documentary Viewing

Rwanda During the Genocide: A First-Person Account

Appreciating Narratives: Discovering Dialogue in the Israel-Palestine Conflict

Reza Aslan to discuss future of US Iran relations at public UCI talk

Does Cheap Talk Matter: An Experimental Approach

2009 Human Security Award Ceremony

Walls in Our Heads--Political Divisions and Cultural Imaginaries Conference

Exchanging Words: A Bilingual Reading of Contemporary Korean Fiction

Iran after the June 12, 2009 Elections

A Simulated Negotiation for an Israeli-Palestinian Peace Agreement

California Attorney General to discuss future of the state in public talk at UCI

Gil Hoffman: JPost Journalist

The Ghost Riders
11/4/2009 7:00:00 PM

International conference commemorates 20 year anniversary of fall of Berlin Wall
11/5/2009 - 11/8/2009

The Institutional Change after Socialism

In Search of My Homeland

Rainbow Festival & Conference 2009: Leading Women of the World

Muslim Integration into EU Societies: Comparative Perspectives

But Do Not Identify as Gay: The Lives of 'MSM'

Heart for Hunger Food Drive
11/16/2009 - 11/20/2009

Lacan in the Americas: A Roundtable Discussion

Careers in International Relations

Stand Together for Human Rights: The Week of the African Child

Fall 2009 Film Screenings

Transnational Organizations and Security in Threatening Environments

The Missing Link: Citizen Dialogue in Northern Ireland and Israel/Palestine

Killing Neighbors: Webs of Violence in Rwanda

Performances of Identity and Violence

Mapping Terrorist Organizations: Relationships and Evolution over Time

Donor-sponsored inaugural Easton Lecture: McDermott analyzes violence against wo

Women in Iran: Continuities and Discontinuities of Context

Rock and Roll Jihad: A Muslim Rock Star's Revolution

Gendered Welfare Support? Exploring Public Attitudes Toward State Involvement

The Meaning of Israel in Contemporary Jewish Life


From Blood Diamonds to Mountain Gorillas

Transient Cultural Influences on Infant Mortality: Fire-Horse Daughters in Japan

RIGS and CGPACS Meet and Greet Reception

Greening Aid? Understanding the Environmental Impact of Development Assistance

U.S. Israel Relations from a Political and Personal Perspective

A Discussion with Counterterrorism and Humanitarian Law Specialist Daniel Taub

How Transnational Families, Networks & Remittances Shape Decisions to Stay or Go

Former Harvard dean and author of Bowling Alone talks religion at UCI

Beyond Contagion: Explaining International Cooperation on Health

Former Harvard dean and author of Bowling Alone talks religion at UCI

Secularism and Cosmopolitanism

Getting Some Closure: Guantanamo & the Law & Politics of U.S. Detention Policy

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International studies @ UCI

2009 was a year of consolidation and growth for RIGS and International Studies at UCI. We saw our new curriculum go into effect, welcomed additional visiting scholars, hosted a full schedule of research seminars and International Studies Public Forums, and instituted a "Meet the Diplomat Series."

We were happy to provide support for two major conferences at UCI in tandem with our affiliated centers: "Critical Approaches to Humanitarianism in Africa," organized by Cecelia Lynch and the Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies and "1989: Twenty Years After" organized by Nina Bandelj and Dorothy Solinger, as well as many other smaller events.

As 2010 gets underway, we have just awarded grants for two collaborative research projects: "Altruistic Generosity: An International Study of its Origins and Political Importance" by Kristin Monroe (political science), David Easton (political science) and Mahtab Jafari (pharmacology) and "Global City Formation in China" by David Smith (sociology) and Jeffrey Wasserstrom (history).

Finally, our team has expanded. Graduate student assistants Heidi Haddad, Mark Berlin and Amy Grubb and undergraduate interns Evonne Liew, Nancy Ruiz and Sasha Sabherwal are now working with our program manager, Mike Roesler. We look forward to a productive year with our 809 undergraduate majors, 50 affiliated graduate students and more than 150 interested faculty members. Read on for more on their research and accomplishments during 2009.

News from affiliated research centers and institutes

RIGS acts as a hub for international and global issues at UCI and as such cooperates with 17 affiliated centers whose work touches on global concerns. Highlights from these centers include:

The Center for Global Peace and Conflict Studies (CGPACS) established the blog Critical Investigations of Humanitarianism in Africa, which contains recent posts on helping women in Africa, toxic wastes, piracy off the coast of Somalia, and the politics of donor requirements, among others. CGPACS' annual Margolis lecture this year will feature Ambassador Jack Matlock. See more at www.cgpacs.uci.edu.

The Center for Unconventional Security gave its annual Human Security Award to Mark Johnson and Whitney Burditt, the Founders of Playing for Change. It also released Global Environmental Change and Human Security, the second edited volume in its series on Human Security.

The Center for Asian Studies hosted several lectures including Professor Chen Mingrou, (Providence University, Taiwan) and for its annual Wan-Lin Kiang Lecture, Distinguished Professor Carl Riskin (Queens College, City University of New York). It also collaborated with the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in inviting Professor Shelley Rigger (Davidson College) and Mr. Alan Romberg (U.S. State Department) for a panel on Recent Taiwan Politics and Cross-Strait Relations.

Human rights best practices

Political scientist Alison Brysk examines international human rights success stories in new book, Global Good Samaritans

President Obama's signing of executive orders to close the Guantanamo Bay detention facility and limit interrogation techniques in U.S. facilities worldwide is a big step forward for what has been a lagging overall national policy on international human rights, says Alison Brysk. A UCI political science professor who specializes in human rights research, she is the author of Global Good Samaritans, a new book in which she provides a comparative look at human rights foreign policy best practices abroad.

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New book by Sandholtz examines patterns in development of international law

Case studies include international rules that have outlawed piracy, terrorism, slavery and genocide

Recent episodes in which modern pirates have seized ships on the high seas have caused the international community to reexamine options for enforcing centuries-old laws that prohibit piracy. In his new book, International Norms and Cycles of Change, UCI political scientist Wayne Sandholtz and co-author Kendall Stiles examine how such rules against piracy and other international norms from the 1500s to the present emerge and change over time.

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Fox talks democracy, Mexico

Former Mexican president discusses the political future of Latin America amid drug wars and economic crises

"Democracy is not for granted in Latin America," former Mexican President Vicente Fox told a capacity crowd Wednesday, April 8, at the Irvine Barclay Theatre. "It has to be nourished, defended and promoted."

Delivering the Peltason Lecture on Democracy, he cited the global financial crisis and the rise of authoritarian leaders as the most serious threats to economic development and human rights in Latin America.

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Study argues for transparency and standards in private security industry

Findings appear in May issue of American Interest  
Amidst news of U.S. troop shifts from Iraq to Afghanistan, little has been said about the fate of the large number of private security contractors still in country. The lack of news appears to be par for the course, says Deborah Avant, UCI international studies and political science professor, who in a recent study found that for every one New York Times story that mentions private security forces, there are 47 that mention U.S. soldiers or troops.

"Just because we don't hear about them doesn't mean they aren't there," she says, adding that the number of contractors performing duties once provided by the U.S. military is greater than the total number of U.S. troops in Iraq. "Private contractors from a global security industry play a significant role in Afghanistan and Iraq carrying out U.S. policy. Most are not U.S. citizens and some carry guns."

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Solingen is named a UCI Chancellor's Professor

Distinction recognizes her scholarly contributions in the areas of international politics, economics and security

Etel Solingen, political science professor, has been named a UCI Chancellor's Professor. Granted for a five-year renewable term, the title recognizes scholars who demonstrate unusual academic merit and exceptional achievement.

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Return of jobless strains China

Xe returns to training roots after 'implosion in the swamp'

Anti-illegal immigrant groups launch Mexico tourism boycott

We're not clean

When non- U.S. citizens vote

Keep in mind needs of older immigrants

Struggling to rise in suburbs where failing means fitting in

Debate over illegal immigration is still raging

Obama pushes rights with Chinese students

Struggles of the second generation

Most young Latinos U.S.-born, feel labeled as immigrants, study finds

Sociologist David Meyer tells CNN why protests matter

Marta Tienda, Princeton sociologist, incorporates her past in effort to aid immi

School of Social Sciences
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697-5100
